Every time you run a stocktake on your system, a stock report will be produced detailing any variances and the costs attributed to the them, the GP you achieved for the period and how this compares to the potential GP you could have achieved on those sales.
It provides these figures at the following levels of granularity:
- The overal stocktake
- Wet, dry and other sales
- Category level (down to 2nd level categories, e.g. Drinks -> Spirits -> Rum)
- Product level
The Summary Section
The top of the report provides a category level summary and overall figures relating to the stock period.
The cost of any stock variances is highlighted in red (for negative) or green (for positive) making it easy to scan through and see any categories that you might need to look into in more detail. Where this needed you can drill into the breakdown section for any category by clicking on the category name on the left hand side of the report.
The columns you see in the summary section can be set on the Config & Help tab (if your user has the required permissions).
The following provides an explanation of every column that can be displayed on the summary section:
SALES (NET / GROSS) - Shows the sales for the period of the stocktake. This can be configured to display as the net or gross sales figure.
SALES@COST PRICE - Shows the cost of any sales in the period.
CONSUMPTION@COST PRICE - Shows the cost of any stock consumed during the period. This is based on the actual counts you entered on the stocktake so will include any variances. It will also include any products that were voided on the till using a "stock used" reason code.
VARIANCE COST - Shows the cost of any difference between the stock the system expected and the actual count entered.
Note, the variance cost will not include voids as these will have been factored into the expected stock. The variance will show any unexplained variance that hasn't already been accounted for as a void on the till. The cost of any voids is included in the CONSUMPTION@COST PRICE figure and will impact the ACTUAL GP and GP VARIANCE figures. Voids will also be shown on the detail section of the report.
POTENTIAL GP - Shows the GP that would have been made on the sales in the period, assuming no wastage.
ACTUAL GP - Shows the GP that was actually achieved after any recorded voids and stock variances.
GP VARIANCE - The difference between the POTENTIAL GP and the ACTUAL GP achieved.
WASTAGE AS % OF CONSUMPTION - This shows the total stock variance as a percentage of the stock consumed in the period. This gives an idea of the significance of any variances in relation to how much stock was consumed.
HOLDING STOCK - The value of stock on hand (at cost price)
Report Totals
At the bottom of the summary section are the overall totals for the stock period. This section shows you the total cost of any variances, and the actual GP you achieved vs the GP that theoretically could have been achieved on those sales. You can also see here the total cost of stock on hand.
The Breakdown Section
The detail section enables you to drill down into a particular category to see exactly which products are the underlying cause of any variances.
You can drill down to a particular category by clicking on the category name in the summary section, or you can scroll down to view the detail section as a whole.
The columns you see in the breakdown section can be set on the Config & Help tab (if your user has the required permissions).
The following provides an explanation of every column that can be displayed on the breakdown section:
UNIT COST PRICE - The cost price of one order unit of stock
OPENING COUNT - The number of order units of stock at the start of the stock report period (the previous stock take closing count)
Note: If the order unit size has changed since the previous closing count was entered, the opening stock will be converted to the new order unit size, in order to keep it the same in terms of measurement unit. This prevents the change to the order unit size from impacting the stock calculations. Where this has happened you will see a tool tip on the product name informing you.
SALES (UNITS) - The number of order units sold in the period
VOIDS - The number of order units of stock voided in the period as a "stock used" void
STOCK DELIVERED - The number of order units of stock delivered in the period
EXPECTED CLOSING COUNT - The number of order units of the stock that was expected by the system based on the opening count, the sales, and any stock delivered.
ACTUAL CLOSING COUNT - The number of order units of stock declared on the stock take
VARIANCE (UNITS) - The difference between the number of order units expected by the system and the actual number declared on the stocktake
VARIANCE@COST PRICE - The cost of any variance (also shown on the summary section)
CONSUMPTION (UNITS) - The number of order units of stock consumed in the period. This will include any voids and stock variances as well as stock that was sold in the period.
CONSUMPTION@COST PRICE - The cost of the units of stock consumed in the period (also shown on the summary section)
SALES (NET / GROSS) - The sales for the period of the stocktake. This can be configured to display as the net or gross sales figure (also shown on the summary section)
POTENTIAL GP* - Shows the GP that would have been made on the sales in the period, assuming no wastage (also shown on the summary section)
ACTUAL GP* - Shows the GP that was actually achieved after any recorded voids and stock variances (also shown on the summary section)
* Note that GP on an individual product level is only useful for products that are not used as ingredients in any recipes. Any usage of a product as an ingredient of another product will not have a value attributed and will therefore negatively impact the GP shown for that product. At category or overall stocktake level the value of sales from items with recipes are included to give an accurate GP figure.
GP VARIANCE - The difference between the POTENTIAL GP and the ACTUAL GP achieved (also shown on the summary section)
HOLDING STOCK - The value of stock on hand at cost price (also shown on the summary section)
Clicking on the Graphs tab will show you the results of your stocktake in graphs. The graphs that you see on this tab will depend on what you have selected to be displayed on the config & help tab.
Hi Phil does it include a search field for stocktake as it will be more friendly to perform a stocktake from the ipad ?
Hi Quentin, it doesn’t have a search, but the products are now grouped by category to make it easier to enter the counts. We can look at adding a search if that will help further though. Thanks, Phil
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