A cash up report is produced following every cash up on BarTab. Cash up reports will be displayed on the screen following a cash up, printed to a local printer and emailed to the address you specify in your email notification settings.
All of your cash up reports are also available on TabHub under Reporting -> Cash up reports.
The following describes each section of a cash up report.
The summary section provides a breakdown of your sales for the day (since the previous cash up was run) after all discounts have been accounted for. These figures represent your final sales and if you use one of our accounting integrations, the figures in this section will be posted to your accounts.
The sales section provides a breakdown of your sales prior to any discounts being applied.
The discounts section provides a breakdown of any discounts applied during the day.
The adjustments section provides a breakdown of any non-sales income, such as tips and service charge.
The payments section provides a breakdown of the payments you have received during the cash up period.
The figures here are based on the counts entered at cash up, not the totals keyed through during the day. This is to ensure that the figures on the Z are the final figures taking into account any differences discovered at cash up.
Note: Any custom payment types you have set up will appear in this section also.
The total cash payments received is calculated from the cash take you declared during cash up plus any cash purchases that were declared.
The total card payments figure is the figure you entered against card payments during the cash up.
The Deposit account section shows any deposits that have been lodged or redeemed. Deposits lodged are funds you will have received over and above your sales. Deposit redemptions are sales you have made for which you won't have received direct payment on that day.
The main deposit account line will show the net movements on your deposit account (deposits redeemed minus deposits lodged), which when added to your other payment types should equal your sales.
Note the funds received for any deposits lodged will also be included in the main payment totals above.
If you use prepay members, then instead of a deposit account you will see a member account.
The member account figure is any sales paid for using members balances minus any top ups applied to members accounts. The breakdown of member sales and member top ups is shown under the member account heading.
Note that any funds received for member top ups to will also be included in the main payment totals above.
The cash section shows the breakdown of cash declarations that the cash payments figure is derived from.
The total amount of cash onsite at the start of trading (at the from date on the cash up report)
The total and breakdown of any cash purchases declared at cash up
The total cash take declared at cash up (total cash over and above the closing float, and the amount that is available to bank)
The total amount of cash onsite at the end of trading (at the to date on the cash up report)
This is the difference between sales put through the till and the total of all payments declared (total payments minus total sales).
A positive difference means declared payments were higher than recorded sales.
A negative difference means declared payments were lower than recorded sales.
You can use the cash up differences report to see the cumulative difference over any time window.
Total covers
The total covers that have been served (based on the covers entered when a tab is opened or one cover per order not on a tab
Avg spend
Average spend for the day calculated from total payments received divided by the number of covers served
The users that have logged in during the day and which device(s) they have used
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