Prior to connecting BarTab to Xero ensure you understand how the integration works. You can read about how BarTab posts to Xero and speak to your usual contact or ask on your WhatsApp channel if you would like to discuss it with someone prior to connecting.
Once you are happy you are ready to connect to Xero log on to TabHub and navigate to the Integrations tab under Set Up.
Under 'Xero Cloud Accounting', click 'Connect to Xero' then log in with your Xero account details.
Note: If you are connected multiple sites to Xero we recommend using a different Xero user for each site. This will avoids the scenario where disconnecting one site disconnects others that are connected to the same Xero organisation.
You will be asked to confirm that you want to give BarTab access to your Xero account. Click "Allow Access"
You will then be presented with the Xero mapping screen. On the first tab you map your sales accounts.
You will need to specify an account to post each of your wet, dry, and other sales to.
If you want to breakdown your sales further than this you can also set up and map additional sales accounts here. If you do this you will need to add the account to the relevant products once you have finished connecting to Xero.
On the next tab you can map your payments. By default any core payment types or custom payment types you have set up will appear on this screen. If you need to add new payment types, such as Stripe or Paypal if you use mobile ordering, you can do that here also.
Note: Payment accounts should not be bank accounts. If bank accounts are used for the system will not be able to post tips & service charge, deposits, or overpayments.
On the adjustments tab you can map an account to send any tips and service charge to.
On the expenses tab you can select which Xero accounts you would like to be available for selection for petty cash purchases declared at cash up.
On the tax tab you can map the different tax rates of the products you sell to tax rates in Xero.
Note: If you do not map a tax rate, then any sales at that tax rate will be posted using the default tax rate set on the Xero account.
Once you have mapped all of your accounts, press done. BarTab will then be connected to Xero and will post to your selected accounts the next time you run a cash up.
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