BarTab is designed to work with the Tabology bespoke card reader and a card can easily be re-associated in the event of loss.
In order to do this you can look-up a member by their name or email address in BarTab by going to the Admin screen and pressing the "Members" button.
Once you have identified the member you can click into their details screen and you will see a card associated with the member on the screen.
At this point, simply get a new un-used card and tap it on the member card reader associated with this instance of BarTab.
You will see that the Card field will be updated with the new card tag and at this point simply just press the Update button.
Once complete you can then use the new card as normal. The old card will be disassociated with the member at the same time and is also free to be re-used if recovered at a later point.
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