Before you start your first days trading you will want to set your cash floats. You do this from TabHub, your back office administrator.
First, press the "SET UP" button on the dashboard.
Then press the 'Financial' from the menu on the left.
Here you can set the default closing cash to the total amount of cash floats you will keep onsite for the start of each days trading.
You can then set your the amount of cash you will have onsite at the start of trading for your first day. This will often be the same as your default closing cash, but can be different. To set this press "Set the opening cash amount for today".
Type in the total cash you will have onsite for the start of trading and press "Save".
Tip: You can reset the cash variances that the system tracks at any point by setting your opening cash again
You will see confirmation that your opening cash has been set.
These figures will be used when you come to do your cash up at the end of a days trading.
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