To void or refund a single line item on a tab, press on the item to see the void options.
Select from the relevant option from the following:
- Void Item (Item Not Used) - this would be used if the item had not been used, such as it had been added to the tab in error
- Void Item (Item Used) - this would be if the item had been removed from stock, such as the wrong beer being poured
- Refund Item - this would be if the customer has already been served the item and it needs to be refunded to them. For a refund the item will remain on the bill and a new line item will be added for the refund.
Note: Refunds will show on the Z report at the end of each day, whereas voids will not. As such, for easier tracking we recommend to use refunds for staff food & drink rather than voids.
When you have selected the type of void or refund, you will be presented with a list of reasons relevant to this type. The below shows the reasons displayed for a refund.
To change the default reasons or add new ones see Setting void and refund reasons.
On selecting the reason code a refund item will be added to the tab for a refund (shown below), or the voided item will be removed from the tab for a void.
To void part of a line item (e.g. 1 pint of Guinness where the line item is "3 x Pint of Guinness") see Splitting out items. To void or refund multiple items at once see Voiding and refunding multiple items.
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